Issue on upgrade from 8.3.93 to 9.2.101

I have just installed RemObjects Remoting SDK for Delphi -, into Tokyo and have an issue. Those project has compiled under a lot of previous versions but fails under 9.2.101. I have the legacy files installed.

I am getting the error [dcc32 Error] GroupsLib_Intf.pas(539): E2361 Cannot access private symbol TStoreTree.fChildren

I have 2 rodls so;

Rodl1 (BaseLib) has a complex object, TStoreTree, which contains an array (Children).

Rodl2 (GroupsLib) uses Rodl1 and has a complex object, TGroups which descends from TStoreTree.

The issue is in the autogenerated GroupsLib_intf unit in TGroupReadComplex where it has the call

if Self.int_Children <> l_Children then begin

Any ideas what I need to change?


this issue was already fixed and will be present in next beta.


if Self.int_Children <> l_Children then begin
   Self.int_fChildren.Free;   //<<<<<<

for disabling auto-generation of _Intf you can update #ROGEN line in .dpr:

{#.ROGEN:BaseLibrary.rodl} // RemObjects: Careful, do not remove!

Thanks, when is the next release likely?

usually we release beta weekly

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Any scheduled release for the next beta yet?

Do you know when you expect the official release of 9.3 to be available?

we are planning to release new 9.2 release with fixed bugs soon

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Hi, Any update on this?

9.2 RTM is planned this week

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