JS Unicode Encoding Problem after Update to

I am calling my Delphi-RO Server from a JavaScript client via JSONMessage. I always use WideString for my string-types. It all worked perfect under But since I updated to I get a Encoding Exception in my server.

This happens in this case:
In my JS-Client I have a form for entering some data. If I type unicode characters like “€” I get a EEncodingError Exception after posting this to the server. This happens only after updating to the new version! Previous works.
I also tested the current alpha release - same issue.

The German Exception message is:
“Exception-Klasse EEncodingError mit Meldung ‘Keine Zuordnung für Unicode-Zeichen in der Multibyte-Zielcodeseite vorhanden’.”

The error seems to happen in:
at this line: w := UTF8BytesToString(@s[i], Length(s)-i);
This goes into: System.SysUtils -> TEncoding.GetString

I changed nothing from the previous ROSDK Version. I am using Delphi Berlin.

This is very urgent for me. Currently I am not able to switch to the new RO-Version / Delphi Tokyo.

if you change TROJSONMessage.Encoding to UTF16LE, will it solve this issue?

can you post example of such JSON request to support@ pls?

Same issue with UTF16LE, UTF16BE, …

I will send you the JSON Request now at support@

Do you already have new information for this? Have you got my E-Mail?

I’ve replied to it 6 days ago. check, probably it was put into spam folder …

according to https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_utf_currency.asp , should be encoded in UTF8:

Char 	Dec 	Hex 	Entity 	Name
€	8364	20AC	€	EURO SIGN

so it was passed incorrectly


But shouldn’t the encoding be done by RemObjectsSDK.js? It worked in the previous Version of ROSDK.

this bug is reproduced only with Indy-based servers - they return request only as string and don’t as binary data.
as a result, UTF8 decoding was broken.
as a workaround, you can use others HTTP servers or use this fix for uROIndyHTTPServer.pas:

procedure TROIndyHTTPServer.InternalServerCommandGet(AThread: TIdThreadClass;
  RequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; ResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
  {$IFDEF UNICODE} k: TBytes; {$ENDIF} //added
      {$IFDEF UNICODE} // this code block was added
      aRequestStream := TROBinaryMemoryStream.Create();
      if reqdata <> '' then begin
        k := BytesOf(reqdata);
        aRequestStream.Position := 0;
      aRequestStream := TROBinaryMemoryStream.Create(reqdata);  // existing line

Thanks, logged as bugs://77928

bugs://77928 got closed with status fixed.