Lazarus 3.0 install Data Abstract core


Version used: Lazarus 3.0 (rev lazarus_3_0) FPC 3.2.2 i386-win32-win32/win64
Data Abstract for Delphi, Server EditionVersion

I try to install Data Abstract for Delphi, Server EditionVersion
When compiling i get the error Data Abstract core:

uDAStreamableComponent.pas(53,16) Error: Cannot find uROJSONUtils used by uDAStreamableComponent.

Logged as bugs://D19412.


as a workaround:

  • add uROJSONUtils.pas to RemObjects_Core.lpk
  • fix uROJSONUtils.pas as
{189 line}  if l_prop^.PropType^{$IFNDEF FPC}^{$ENDIF}.Kind = tkEnumeration then begin
{190 line}    s := _GetEnumPrefix(l_prop^.PropType{$IFNDEF FPC}^{$ENDIF}) + VarToStr(aValue);
{277 line}     _AddVariantProperty(aOwner, aName, ROGetEnumName(aPropInfo^.PropType{$IFNDEF FPC}^{$ENDIF}, GetPropValue(aSource, aName, False), _GetEnumPrefix(aPropInfo^.PropType{$IFNDEF FPC}^{$ENDIF})));
{364 line}                   if props^[i]^.PropType{$IFNDEF FPC}^{$ENDIF} = System.TypeInfo(Boolean) then begin

bugs://D19412 was closed as fixed.