License Exception?

What does this mean?

What does this mean?
Application: NYTAdsService.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.ComponentModel.LicenseException
at RemObjects.SDK.ROLicenseProvider.GetLicense(System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext, System.Type, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.ValidateInternalRecursive(System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext, System.Type, System.Object, Boolean, System.ComponentModel.License ByRef, System.String ByRef)
at RemObjects.SDK.Server.ServerChannel…ctor()
at RemObjects.SDK.Server.HttpServerChannel…ctor()
at RemObjects.SDK.Server.SuperHttpServerChannel…ctor()
at RemObjects.SDK.Server.SuperHttpServerChannel…ctor(System.ComponentModel.IContainer)
at RemObjects.SDK.Server.IpSuperHttpServerChannel…ctor(System.ComponentModel.IContainer)
at NYTAdsService.MainNYTService.InitializeComponent()
at NYTAdsService.MainNYTService…ctor()
at NYTAdsService.MainNYTService.Main()

still. it the proper group ;). this is an ROSDK issue. probably your .licx file is missing or has bad info.


This error means that your app contains incorrect lisensing information.
Things you need to check are:

1.The app project contains licesnses.licx file
2.This licenses.licx file contains the line

 RemObjects.SDK.Server.IpSuperHttpServerChannel, RemObjects.SDK.Server

Note that there should be no excessive version information. Othervise the licenses will be compiled for a specific version of RO SDK and once SDK version changes they won’t be considered as valid.

Here is a short overview of .NET licensing system. It mentions Hydra but the overall approach os more or less the same: Upgraded to H5, .NET plugins no longer load

Hope that helps