Lime green compiler warning background color - how to change

How can I change the lime green background color used to highlight compiler warnings?

you can’t, currently.

That’s unfortunate as it really gets in the way of using a dark theme, and for some of us the reduced eyestrain is quite desirable. Really appreciate your products!

Hmm, i’ll check the dark theme (which as its own message colors). but the screenshot you posted wasn’t from dark, it was from light?

yes; Actually in water, the compiler warnings are highlighted just fine with a darker green.

The lime green issue is when using Visual Studio

Sublime Material Dark theme in VS2015

Gotcha. that DOES need fixing, of course.

Hmm, that’s not what I see in the Dark theme, though. it has proper darker colors:

very strange…


Your example of Dark theme looks like Water, not VS

Yes, assumed we were talking about Water still :wink:

Thanks, logged as bugs://79656