Manage References in VS2022

I’d like to notify you about some issues related to using references in oxygen project in VS2022. Here are some screenshots :

Add Service Reference throws

Manage Nuget Packages shows this white panel where searching doesn’t work, there is no version selection, etc.
Is it possible to replace or add in the context menu for References original nuget manager that sometimes shows in the Project menu?


Is this with the latest version of Elements?

Also note that mscorlib.dll does not exist for .NET Core, it’s only available/needed for classic .NET 4.8 and below (not .NET Core) projects. In what scenario do you see that error dialog?

Yes, stable version. It was .net core console app, on .net framework it works correctly.

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The second error pops up when you open the Refrences Manager? Does the project (wrongly) have a reference to mscorlib, or not?

I create an empty .net core console app, click on References to show the menu, and choose Add Service Reference from the menu. That’s all.

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Logged as bugs://E26636.

Turns out this IDE feature is not supported for Core, and should never have been enabled (VC# doesn’t have it, only for Classic). We’ll “fix” this by also disabling it for Core projects.

Sorry if this (probably) was not the resolution you were looking for, but this is on Microsoft’s side, not something we can influence.

bugs://E26636 was closed as fixed.