
i am changing several services from datasnap to REMOTINGSDK, i need to know the best way to manage timeouts.

for example:

in the server side, i am using ROHTTPSERVER, and the maximum amount of time an operation last is 65 seconds (i consume several externals APIS from the metods, that the timeout is maximun 60 seconds and get exeption, that is why i said 65 seconds so i play safe)

by the way, what is sockettimeout (is in 180 for default)?

the main question is:

is there a way to put a timeout in the server component? or Is there a default TIMEOUT to get the result from a method to a client before the connections timeout?


i am using in the client the indyhttpchannel, it has a timeout property that is set to -1, i guess that if i put let say 90000 are 90 seconds time out before get exception?

Thanks for your help and information in this matter.

best regards.


I can recommend to use others http servers like Indy- or Synapse-based.

TROHTTPServer doesn’t use timeouts atm (known and logged as #19489)

Thanks for the info,

Can you tell,

What is the DEFAULT timeout for each of the http servers?


  • TROIndyHTTPServer - default Indy timeout is used (= 0). can be changed like
ROIndyHTTPServer.IndyServer.SessionTimeOut := new_value;
  • TROSynapseHTTPServer: 180 sec
  • TROHTTPServer: 180 sec
  • TROWinHttpServer: 120 sec. we don’t change default values.

Thanks for your very quick response.
All is clear now.