Merging RODL from hydra RODA plugins to single exe


I am currently in the process of converting my RO/DA server from using multiple hydra plugins that contain dataabstract services to a single exe, and merged with RODLReader component. Now, since each plugin has it’s own Handle, we can have multiple .res files containing the RODL string but I can’t have this now with the single exe since compiler checks for duplicate resources. Is there a way to keep the modularity I currently have since services are logically separated on different data modules?



what platform you are using (Delphi or .NET)?

Sorry, forgot to mention, Delphi, both for host server and plugins.

if you have issue with .res, you can create whole .RODL from all modules (those RODL can be “merged” via used RODL feature in Service Builder).
this “whole” RODL should be included into main .dpr

So basically I have to merge the RODL into the main exe from the ServiceBuilder each time I change one of the modules.
Quick question, does RO7 service builder support merging?

No, you haven’t in case you have added them as

SB supports merging via Use Existing RODL

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Sorry, last question. It looks obvious but I need to confirm, every change I make to the various RODL files I merge, when I build the main exe it will include the changes without having to repeat the above procedure you mentioned and re-select them, as long as I don’t move those RODLs from their original path.

You should include files as Existing RODL only once.
later our wizard will generate RODLFILE.res automatically

Cool, thank you! I think this is what I needed.
Have a nice day!