Method has no result

This happily compiles in Xcode 9 and the code snippets but fails with the error Method has no result

struct GitHubEmoji {
	let emoji: String
	let name: String
	let aliases: [String]
	let tags: [String]

	init?(dict: [String: Any]) {
		guard let emoji = dict["emoji"] as? String,
			let aliases = dict["aliases"] as? [String],
			let name = aliases.first,
			let tags = dict["tags"] as? [String]
			else { return nil } // <-- error here

		self.emoji = emoji = name
		self.aliases = aliases
		self.tags = tags

i believe mailable initializers should be fixed in the latest betas/ are you in 9.2 or on the 9.3 betas?

In the other topic I have attached the problematic project which contains this code snippet. I didn’t work for me with the latest 9.3 beta

replied there.