Migrating project / solution from Visual Studio 2013 - best practices


I am a new Fire user (Mac) and am trying to migrate an existing project from visual studio 2013 (Windows professional) to Fire.

I am finding that my existing projects (each complete / compile with no errors or warnings with framework 4.5 in vs2013) will not open correctly in fire and that when attempting to open projects they are shown with grey icons and presented without options to edit or add etc to the project.

Are there any recommendations for migrating projects into Fire to ensure their successful opening?

Enclosed - a side-by-side screen snap of a native vs the migrated project (grey icon - no options)

Fire currently can only handle Elements projects. It looks like you are trying to open a Visual C# project which — aside from then code files using the same language — uses quite a different project file format, one that we don’t currently support. Your code will of course work fine in Elements via our own C# compiler; I suggest to simply create a new empty RemObjects C# project and then add your .cs files back into it.