Multiple statements support


We are using RO 9.6beta + Delphi 10.3 FireDAC + PG + Linux and we are getting multiple statements error from FireDAC.
To support multiple statements we introduced in
function TDAEFireDACQuery.DoExecute: integer;
TFDQuery(DataSet).ResourceOptions.DirectExecute := True;

If you find it useful, please introduce in further releases.

Thank you and best regards.


according to FireDAC.Stan.Option.TFDResourceOptions.DirectExecute - RAD Studio API Documentation :

Changing default value can be dangerous for our other users and may cause different failures. as a result, better to leave this option as is.

If you want, I can give instruction how to create your own FireDAC driver based on current one, so you haven’t to include this change for every new DA release.

Thank you.

If someone want to execute a statement in PG like

start transaction;
update table_a set id = id;  
update table_b set id = id;  

then it won’t work through dataset.Execute
This was the only solution that we found to achieve the functionality.
On Windows we are using Zeos driver and there wasn’t a problem. We needed to achieve compatibility with FireDAC on Linux.

Best regards.

Why you can’t execute 2 separated commands in your code, like



I know this solution, but from client side I’m getting SQL transaction.
I wrote this topic to help others if they are having the same problem.