`mutating get` (etc.) protocol properties

IDE: Visual Studio X/Fire
Version: (develop)
Target (If relevant): Island(OSX)
Swift protocol properties default to nonmutating get and mutating set, but this can be explicitly changed to any combination of mutating, nonmutating and the WIP/Private __consuming.

Expected Behavior:
Actual Behavior:
See below.

protocol HasMutatingGetter {
    var foo: Int { mutating get } // E374 "get" or "set" expected, got "mutating"
                                  // E1 closing bracket expected, got "mutating"
                                  // E375 One of "var", "func", "subscript", "typealias", "__event", "prefix", "postfix", "infix", "init", "associatedtype",  expected, got "get"
                                  // E1 closing bracket expected, got "get"
} // E477 Declaration expected

protocol HasNonMutatingSetter {
    var foo: Int { get nonmutating set } // E1 closing bracket expected, got "nonmutating"
                                         // E375 One of "var", "func", "subscript", "typealias", "__event", "prefix", "postfix", "infix", "init", "associatedtype",  expected, got "set"
                                         // E1 closing bracket expected, got "set"
} // E477 Declaration expected

protocol HasConsumingGetter {
    var foo: Int { __consuming get } // E374 "get" or "set" expected, got "__consuming"
                                     // E1 closing bracket expected, got "__consuming"
                                     // E375 One of "var", "func", "subscript", "typealias", "__event", "prefix", "postfix", "infix", "init", "associatedtype",  expected, got "get"
                                     // E1 closing bracket expected, got "get"
} // E477 Declaration expected

Thanks, logged as bugs://83649

bugs://83649 got closed with status fixed.