.net 6

Hi there,
.NET 6 is supposed to be released sometime in Nov 2021.
Will you have a Hydra Version targeting this framework?

Any limitations/special considerations to take into account?

Thank you!


Hydra support for .NET Core (all versions) is currently under investigation. However since .NET Core is a fundamentally different/new runtime than classic .NET (up to 4.8), this is n our a matter of just supporting a new version, but essentially creating an entire new platform for Hydra — we’re working own out, but it’s not trivial.

I’m hoping we will have .NET Core support sometime in the fall though, ideally before or by the tike version 6 ships.

Out off curiosity (and to help is shape priorities): are you mostly interested in .NET Core plugins in a Delphi host app, or in .NET Core hosts?


Thanks for the info.
We have a Delphi host app and need to support .NET Core plugins.

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…and we are the opposite :wink:

.NET host and Delphi plugins

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That’s probably the simpler case. I’m not sure ;).