.Net code generator

Hi guys,

Latest RO DA/SDK.

We use Delphi servers and we are trying to generate .net client proxies. They are generated but they do not include async/await support.

They do include synchronous and Begin/End IASyncResult versions of the methods, but no async/await. We tried from the Service Builder and also straight from the Rodl2Code exe with same results.

Also noticed that toggling the “Mode” option on Service Builder doesn’t alter the generation at all. The code is regenerated but always the same code.

This used to work a while ago, dont know if it is a regression.

Interesting enough, if the method return value is a list, it does generates a Task that internally uses a Factory.FromAsync calling the begin/end IAsyncResult methods.


This is odd, because this works for me on the latest Release build. Could you send to the support@ your RODL and a couple of screenshots where one can see that not all methods are generated?

Thanks in advance

Hi Anton,

Thank you for the quick response. I just sent the email you asked, if you need anything else please let me know, I’ll be ready to reply.


The issue is that methods with Out or InOut parameters cannot be converted into Async ones. so they are ignored during code generation.


should this maybe raise an error/warning somehow?