.NET Core console app running in VS

Using Water (latest version) I can create a .net core console project and run/debug it. But the same steps using VS fail debugging the project. I get the error :

Error debugging project: Executable C:\Users\artur.redzko\source\repos\ConsoleApplication6\ConsoleApplication6\Bin\Debug\ConsoleApplication6.exe does not exist.

The message seems to be correct as there is no .exe but .dll file. Is it possible to debug/run the app the way Water does it?


Thanks, logged as bugs://82890

Seems like VS is still using hardcoded logic to determine the exe path and name, both of which are wrong :(.

I tested C# in VS and running logs :
'dotnet.exe' (CoreCLR: clrhost): Loaded 'C:\Users\artur.redzko\source\repos\ConsoleApp4\ConsoleApp4\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\ConsoleApp4.dll'. Symbols loaded.

Yes, this is no doubt an issue with Elements’ VS integration.

bugs://82890 got closed with status fixed.