No code completion with remote reference


Ive added AWSCore as a remote reference (9.2 MB)

It has this code

      var configuration := new AWSServiceConfiguration withRegion(AWSRegionType.USEast2) credentialsProvider(nil);

It builds but there is no code completion and Im not able to go to type definitions


I dont know why, built building this project for me, git just hangs trying to clone the repo. Maybe some network issue, bit I’m afraid I’ll have to retest this later.

Can you post what you see in the Resolve log, on your side? it should show the final fx the project ref was resolved to and hats being passed to the IDE’s CC logic…

Hang on. That repo has everything I ever imported since the beginning of time. I’ll create a new one for aws

Yeah, I didn’t expect it to be almost one gigabyte! so in wasn’t patient enough. that said:

➜  Cherry:~ # git clone "/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/EBuild/"
Cloning into '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/EBuild/'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4855, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 4855 (delta 4), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 4848
Receiving objects: 100% (4855/4855), 896.64 MiB | 3.60 MiB/s, done.
fatal: could not open '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/EBuild/' for reading: No such file or directory
fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output

all I can do today, I’ll check back in tomorrow on this.

On initial lode, I get this:

         -> Task __RemObjects_EBuild_Elements_ElementsResolveToffeeReferencesForTarget started for CognitoUserPoolApp, Toffee-iOS.
            Project 'AWSCore' referenced from 'CognitoUserPoolApp' is not enabled and has no cached final output. Falling back to hint path.
E:          Project Reference '*' could not be resolved for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Toffee iOS arm64).
            Reference 'CoreGraphics' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Code/Fire/Bin/Build/macOS/ SDKs/Darwin/iOS 17.0/CoreGraphics.fx' for target 'Toffee-iOS'.

which is expected, as this isn’t built yet. After a buld it reresolves fine, for me:

         -> Task __RemObjects_EBuild_Elements_ElementsResolveToffeeReferencesForTarget started for CognitoUserPoolApp, Toffee-iOS.
            Project 'AWSCore' referenced from 'CognitoUserPoolApp' is not enabled, reusing cached output.
            Project Reference 'AWSCore' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AWSCore-845B2CAF2EC7E5DCA0E608FD5B914052327FC2FF/Debug/Toffee.iOS/Device/AWSCore.fx' via target 'Toffee.iOS'.
            Reference 'AWSCore' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AWSCore-845B2CAF2EC7E5DCA0E608FD5B914052327FC2FF/Debug/Toffee.iOS/Device/AWSCore.fx' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Device).
            Reference 'AWSCore' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/AWSCore-845B2CAF2EC7E5DCA0E608FD5B914052327FC2FF/Debug/Toffee.iOS/Simulator/AWSCore.fx' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Simulator).

and I can reproduce that CC still failed on it. Will log for the CC team.

Logged as bugs://E26624.

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Yeah I didnt realize all the ios aws sdk xcframeworks are 1.4 gigs :slight_smile: (9.2 MB)

I created a repo with just the ones I think I might use.

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bugs://E26624 was closed as cannot reproduce.

FWIW, this doesn’t repro for me anymore…

Thanks. I tested the code completion in a few other places and it looks good.

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I have 2881 and attempted to build with ios17 and this seems to be back

Hmm. literally nothing changed for that… (202.6 KB)

I retried with the test I posted right at the beginning and that works. This one has more references and a bit more code. It looked ok when I tried it last week.

I was thinking that might happen.

I deleted the folder for the code in

/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/EBuild/

and did a clean followed by a rebuild which fixed it.


I dont think I had let the ios update complete from last time I ran xcode. When I ran it again it prompted that there was an ios 17.1 update to install so I waited until that finished.

I don’t see who this would affect CC, but one never knows…

Sorry that was my reply to the other thread I deleted. I dont know how it ended up here :frowning: