Not save Designer.pas - Conexão de Área de Trabalho Remota 2021-02-03 12-03-52.rar (4.7 MB)

watch the video and notice when I changed the text from bbbb to cccc, it didn’t save.
Tested on more than one new project in Visual Studio 2019

I just reproduced this with Mercury.

Start a new Winforms project (classic .Net), add a component to the form, save.
Close desiger - reopen it.
Component is gone.

It is saved, but the generated code is garbage: (956 Bytes)

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Thanks, logged as bugs://85505

bugs://85505 got closed with status fixed.

can i receive a hotfix?

Yes, let me see if we have a build with this yet, if yes, I’ll upload it now, else in an hour or two. I’ll name it “B:” so you can tell it apart from the one from yesterday.


Fix was in the last finished build we had, so it’s up now.


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