Number,Date and etc. JavaScript objects to EcmaScriptObject and some others problems

  1. Is there any way Date.toString to be againts current CultureInfo at least, or by some setting on the EcmaScriptComponnet
  2. Is there some tutotrial how to inherit EcmaScriptObject and implement functions and properties on it
  3. Can I extend .Net object in JavaScript engine with .prototype, how can do this
  4. All .Net objects has .ToString() is this equivalent of JavaScript object .toString(), how can do this

CS Code:

using RemObjects.Script.EcmaScript;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ToRemObjects
public class RemObjectsConsole
public RemObjectsConsole()
{ }
public void writeBoolean(bool v)
public void writeDateTime(DateTime v)
public void writeDouble(double v)
public void writeObject(EcmaScriptObject v)
Console.WriteLine(null == v ? “<>” : v.Class + “:” + v.ToString());
public void writeString(string v)
Console.WriteLine(null == v ? “<>” : v.ToString());
public DateTime getDateTime()
return default(DateTime);
public double getDouble()
return default(double);
public bool getBoolean()
return default(bool);
public string getString()
return string.Empty;
public void Execute(string sql, params object[] parameters)
//do someting…
string s = sql;
public double propDouble
get { return 100; }
set { double i = value; }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        using (var esc = new RemObjects.Script.EcmaScriptComponent())
            object o = null;

            esc.Include("test1", @"

function GlobalFunction(cc) {
var a;
cc.writeString(new Boolean(true));
cc.writeString(new Number(1.5));
cc.writeString(new Date());// -> 01/08/2013 23:00:55 is there any way to be againts current CultureInfo at least, or by some setting on the EcmaScriptComponnet
// Date.toString ECMA Standart This function returns a String value. The contents of the String are implementation-dependent, but are intended to represent the Date in the current time zone in a convenient, human-readable form.
// Windows Script Host and Internet Explorer -> Tue Jan 8 22:21:04 UTC+0200 2013
// Google Chrome -> Tue Jan 08 2012 22:24:14 GMT+0200 (FLE Standard Time)
// FireFox -> Tue Jan 08 2013 23:14:28 GMT+0200 (FLE Standard Time)
function GlobalFunction2(cc) {
var a;
cc.writeDouble(‘aaa’);//exception -> double.NaN???
cc.writeDouble(a);// a is undefined and result to 0 is this right .NET has double.NaN for this
cc.writeDouble(undefined);// again undefined and result to 0 is this right .NET has double.NaN for this
cc.writeDouble(new Boolean(false));
cc.writeDouble(new Number(1.5));
function GlobalFunction3(cc) {

cc.writeBoolean(""""); exception
cc.writeBoolean(Number.NaN); // result to true but if(Number.NaN) is false
if (Number.NaN) {
else {

cc.propDouble = new Number(123.1);//can do this
//cc.writeDateTime(new Date()); //can do this
cc.writeDouble(new Date()); //can’t do
cc.writeString(‘Date.getFullYear:’ + cc.getDateTime().getFullYear()); // can’t do this , but can do cc.writeDateTime(new Date()), typeof(cc.getDateTime()) result to number
//cc.writeString(‘Number.toFixed:’ + cc.getDouble().toFixed(2)); can do
//cc.writeString(‘String.substr:’ + cc.getString().substr(0,2)); can do

var a;
cc.writeObject(a);// can do, but result to null not Undefined.Instace
cc.writeObject(undefined);// can do, but result to null not Undefined.Instace
cc.writeObject({a: 1, b: ‘ss’});
cc.writeObject(1.3);// can’t do -> exception
cc.writeObject(false);// can’t do -> exception
cc.writeObject(Number(1.5));// can’t do -> exception
cc.writeObject(new Boolean(false));// can’t do -> exception
cc.writeObject(new Number(1.5));// can’t do -> exception
cc.writeObject(new Date());// can’t do -> exception
cc.writeObject(new Array());

RemObjectsConsole cc = new RemObjectsConsole();
o = esc.RunFunction(“GlobalFunction”, cc);
o = esc.RunFunction(“GlobalFunction2”, cc);
o = esc.RunFunction(“GlobalFunction3”, cc);




Thank you for the perfect testcase. All issues mentioned here were fixed except for the

cc.writeObject({a: 1, b: 'ss'});
cc.writeObject(1.3);// can't do -> exception
cc.writeObject(false);// can't do -> exception
cc.writeObject(Number(1.5));// can't do -> exception
cc.writeObject(new Boolean(false));// can't do -> exception
cc.writeObject(new Number(1.5));// can't do -> exception
cc.writeObject(new Date());// can't do -> exception
cc.writeObject(new Array());

part. Here you need to change the

public void writeObject(EcmaScriptObject v)

method definition to

public void writeObject(Object v)

because simple values (like Number, String and Boolean) aren’t wrapped into EcmaScriptObject when sent back to .NET code.

Code changes were uploaded to GitHub and updated Script installer was put into your personal downloads folder.

Thanks for fast response