One of greater, (eof), comma expected multiply (*)


Im trying to import the AWSMobileClientXCF framework and I get this error when I build

E:                One of greater, (eof), comma expected multiply (*)

- (AWSTask<AWSCredentials *> * _Nonnull)credentialsWithCancellationToken:(AWSCancellationTokenSource * _Nullable)cancellationTokenSource;
 [/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Nougat/OneOf/AWSImports/aws-sdk-ios-2.33.1/AWSMobileClientXCF.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7/AWSMobileClientXCF.framework/Headers/AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider+Extension.h (23)]
                  Importing failed due to these files:
                    AWSMobileClientXCF/AWSMobileClientXCF.h - One of greater, (eof), comma expected multiply (*)

- (AWSTask<AWSCredentials *> * _Nonnull)credentialsWithCancellationToken:(AWSCancellationTokenSource * _Nullable)cancellationTokenSource;


Logged as bugs://E26625.

Can you add a reference to AWSCore form AWSMobileClientXCF ?

Thanks, that fixes it.

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One of greater, (eof), comma expected multiply (*) is really suboptimal for “unknown identifier” :frowning:

Would if be possible to have that as an error message ?

That was what I was hinting at for @ck, yeah :wink:

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:thinking: maybe. It’s obviously not that easy but maybe we can force add recursive references

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bugs://E26625 was reopened.