Operator overloading is not invoked when null is involved on Android

public class TestClass {
    public static void test() {
        NonEqObj a = null;
        EqObj b = new EqObj();

        #if COOPER
        Log.i("", $"a:{a == null}"); // print "a:true", so == overloading is not invoked
        Log.i("", $"b:{b == null}"); // print "b:false", so == overloading is not invoked
        #elif ECHOES
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"a:{a == null}");  // print "a:false"
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"b:{b == null}");  // print "b:true"
        #elif TOFFEE
        Foundation.NSLog($"a:{(a == null ? "true" : "false")}");  // print "a:false"
        Foundation.NSLog($"b:{(b == null ? "true" : "false")}");  // print "b:true"

public class NonEqObj {
    public static bool operator ==(NonEqObj a, NonEqObj b) {
        return false;

public class EqObj{
    public static bool operator ==(EqObj a, EqObj b) {
        return true;

Is this difference between COOPER and ECHOES/TOFFEE is by designed or a bug?

Thanks, logged as bugs://75954

bugs://75954 got closed with status fixed.

Logged as bugs://i63890.

bugs://i63890 was closed as fixed.