Optional Unwrap case pattern

IDE: Visual Studio X/Fire
Version: _ (develop)_
Target (If relevant): OSX
(A) Swift (since 1.0 IIRC) allows a postfix “?” in a pattern for optionals to match only if the optional is non-nil, and enable further matching on the contained value.

(B) Additionally, the error message seems to be missing the (offending) character “?”.
Expected Behavior:
Part A:
Part B:
“E: comma or closing parenthesis expected, got “?” [<file (<line>)]”
Actual Behavior:
“E: comma or closing parenthesis expected, got [<file (<line>)]”

enum F {
    case o(String?)
let f = F.o("foo")
switch f {
    case .o(let ov?):
    //            ^ Error Here
    // use ov: String
    case .o(nil):

Thanks, logged as bugs://82586

bugs://82586 got closed with status fixed.

Adding to report in Version: (develop):

If the optional istop level, the combination word?: could result, which is not parsed.

enum F {
    case z
let f: F? = F.z
switch f {
    case let iz?: // Syntax error 
    case nil:

bugs://82586 got reopened.

bugs://82586 got closed with status fixed.

It was fixed for trailing binding patterns, but apparently not for ‘literal’ patterns:
Version: (develop)

enum F {
	case z
let f: F? = F.z
switch f { // E64 Type mismatch, cannot find operator to evaluate "F!" = "F!"
		   // W45 Switch does not cover all values
	case .z?:  // E287 Syntax error
			   // E1 colon expected, got "break"
			   // E65 Constant value expected
		break // E287 Syntax error
	case nil:

bugs://82586 got reopened.

bugs://82586 got closed with status fixed.