OutgoingDeltaParameter parameter of updatedatacall is not properly defined

hi, i some circomstances i get the the error in subject
now this seems to happen when i have a child table linked using mmparams method and when applying a new record in the master table AND when the child table is open but has a recordcount of 0
(this is still DA3 interface)
tried to get a hint of what’s wrong stepping through the code but no go
so if you have a hint on where to start looking…

can you check that your OutgoingDeltaParameter is assigned and has rtBinary datatype ?

{ Fill Input Parameters }
lParam := UpdateDataCall.Params.FindParam(UpdateDataCall.OutgoingDeltaParameter);
if not assigned(lParam) or (lParam.DataType <> rtBinary) then
  raise Exception.Create('OutgoingDeltaParameter parameter of UpdateDataCall is not properly defined.');

well lparam is nil after the findparam
it searches for ‘delta’ and only ‘result’ and ‘remotedelta’ are in the params[]
it must be some kind of config but i does not see it at this moment…

looks like you need to specify remotedelta instead of delta in OutgoingDeltaParameter

that only seems logical :slightly_smiling_face:
question remains why
i’ll investigate further…

OMG nevermind
seems there is a specifice updatedatacall … which has the param defined as remotedelta…
case closed and thx!

the only thing to remark is why it wants to applyupdates for a dataset that has 0 records… (if it is a child - didn’t test if this also happens on regular datasets)

if you call ApplyUpdates manually - DAD does it because you could delete existed record.

ofc, you can add checking manually like:

if table.delta.count > 0 then table.ApplyUpdates;

well same could be handled in applyupdates but ok no problem :slight_smile: