Override on class funcs

This is another annoying case where XCode forces you to do one thing, but Silver/Fire (.1963) forces the opposite.

Consider this code, where there is an override of a static function in a base class:

class A
    class func myFunc()

class B: A
    class func myFunc()

In a playground, XCode gives an error, and won’t compile unless you add override to the second func:

So you add the override to shup up stupid XCode, and in Fire you get a “No method to overide” on the function:

I think XCode forcing override on a static is dumb, but I can’t influence there. Can we make the error in Fire a warning? Or just not an error on class funcs?

No, Xcode is correct, and this is a bug on our end. You are overriding the function, after all.

Thanks, logged as bugs://75402

bugs://75402 got closed with status wontfix.

wont fix?

To implement this on .NET/Java we’d need to emit meta classes for every swift class out there, with all the overhead involved for the very rare case someone uses static overrides. So for now we’ve decided to not implement it.

Logged as bugs://i63380.

bugs://i63380 was closed as won’t fix.