Oxfuscation with Silverlight doesn't seem to work and fails at runtime

So I unchecked the obfuscation of properties and events because I thought they might need hooking up with the xaml. I rebuilt everything. I renamed the generated xap to zip, unzipped it, replaced the oxfuscated dll, rezipped it, renamed it back to xap and got an error saying:

Unhandled error in Silverlight Application
Code: 2103
Category: InitializeError
Message: Invalid or malformed application: Check manifest

Did I do something wrong? How do I fix this?

Or can I not use Oxfuscator with Silverlight assemblies? (I’m guessing something is trying to read something out of the assembly to determine version or something and that is failing. just a guess)


Try to exclude from obfuscation all classes that are used in .xaml files by their name. E.g.

x:Class="SilverlightApplication3.MainPage" The MainPage class from SilverlightApplication3 namespac should be excluded from the obfuscation.

Hope that helps.