Oxidizer wrong translation


Tittle says “wrong” while is really correct, but strange float conversion :smile:

Original objective-c code:

transition.duration = 0.4f;

Translated to:

transition.duration = 0.400000005960464;

All values with f (float) are translated like this

next example:

[animation setDuration: 2.3f];




Will not create new post, just will add info here. Another issue this time wrong translation:

- (void)navigationController:(UINavigationController *)navigationController didShowViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated {


is translated to:

private void navigationController(UINavigationController navigationController, UIViewController viewController, bool animated)

should be:

private void navigationController(UINavigationController navigationController) didShowViewController(UIViewController viewController) animated(bool animated)


Thanks, logged as bugs://72769

Thanks, logged as bugs://72770

bugs://72769 got closed with status fixed.

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bugs://72770 got closed with status fixed.