Oxygene fails to recognize LogicalOr and LogicalAnd

We share code between Delphi and Oxygene and use the following construct to simulate .Net enums in Delphi.

TRunMode = record
class operator LogicalOr(const L: TRunMode; const R: TRunMode) : TRunMode;
class operator LogicalAnd(const L: TRunMode; const R: TRunMode) : TRunMode;
TRunMode = public flags (none,ServerOnly,Normal,Offline,ReadDatabase);

This enables us to write:
var r := TRunMode.Normal;
if r and TRunMode.Normal = TRunMode.Normal then

Unfortunately Oxygene fails to recognize LogicalOr and LogicalAnd and raises and error: (E55) Invalid operator name: “LogicalAnd”.

Two questions:
How can I tell Oxygene to completely ignore the LogicalOr and LogicalAnd lines?
Could you add support for these operators into Oxygene?

Thanks, Kees Vermeulen


.NET (and borrowing from that, for now, all of Oxygene on all platforms) has a specific and well-defined set of operators that can be overloaded; unfortunately there is no distinction between bitwise and logical and/or provided.

Please see Custom Operators for the complete list

surrounding the entire oprrarior declaration in an undefined IFDEF should suffice — does it not?

I’m not sure if that is feasible for .NET; it might be for other platforms. what is your target platform(s)?


Unfortunately surrounding the entire declaration in an undefined IFDEF does not suffer. Still get the same error.

Curious, that seems like a bug. can you send me a small test case? so ic an log an issue for the compiler team? thanx!

Nevermind, reproduced.

Thanks, logged as bugs://84275

Thanks, will follow this issue

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bugs://84275 got closed with status fixed.