Oxygene for Android, resource directory res does not exist

I’m getting this:

Error	1	() ERROR: resource directory 'C:\Users\...\Projects\...\obj\Debug\res' does not exist
	C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\RemObjects Software\Oxygene\RemObjects.Oxygene.Cooper.Android.targets	62	5

This is an older Android project I had working at one point (quite a while ago–got put aside for some big porting work), and I don’t get what’s wrong here.

If I manually create the ‘\res’ folder in Debug, it gets deleted when I try to build.

I’m going to try and recreate the project from scratch, but I wondered if there is something simple I could fix.

Normally there’s a “res” dir in the project that’s copied to obj\Debug during build. the name (res) is set in the project options. Did this get removed?

In the project properties, under Android, it has “Assets folder:” set to ‘assets’ and “Resources folder” set to ‘res’.

Under Solution Explorer, right clicking ‘res’ and selecting properties, it has “Build Action” as ‘Folder’ and “Folder Name” as ‘res’.

Does that answer the question? Unfortunately, I’ll be out the rest of this morning, but I’ll be back this afternoon.

Can you send the project? (support@)

Yes. I’ll try and clean some stuff so it is smaller.

Just sent it.

It fails because while there is a RES dir, there’s nothing in it, just empty directories.

Yikes. I know I built that app before. It’s still side-loaded on my Android tablet. I’ll look some more. Thanks.