Oxygene Oxidiser conversion from C#

Oxidiser conversion of C# to Oxygene:
Given the code extracts in C#

public class Student : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private string firstName;
    private string lastName;

    public string FirstName
            return firstName;

            if (firstName != value)
                firstName = value;

    public string LastName
        get { return lastName; }

            if (lastName != value)
                lastName = value;

    public string FullName
            return firstName + " " + lastName;

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private void RaisePropertyChanged(string property)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));

public class StudentViewModel

    public ObservableCollection<Student> Students

    public void LoadStudents()
        ObservableCollection<Student> students = new ObservableCollection<Student>();

        _**students.Add(new Student { FirstName = "Mark", LastName = "Allain" });**_

** students.Add(new Student { FirstName = “Allen”, LastName = “Brown” });**
** students.Add(new Student { FirstName = “Linda”, LastName = “Hamerski” });**

        Students = students;

Oxidiser converted the 3 lines (above in bold and italic) to

students.Add(new Student(‘Mark’) LastName(‘Allain’));
students.Add(new Student(‘Allen’) LastName(‘Brown’));
students.Add(new Student(‘Linda’) LastName(‘Hamerski’));

Re Oxidiser, it works very well from my short experience, but
How close to 100% is it?
Am I misunderstanding something?
Does it work in isolation with each clip, or does it need to know about “other” class definitions not in the clip?

(The student class definition above is in a separate file and namespace)

Any insights gratefully received.

Can you give me the original code snippet, without any additional formatting applied, so I can log this with a test case? thanx!

Apologies - my attempt at making bold and italic lines didn’t work! -The 3 lines should be:

       students.Add(new Student { FirstName = "Mark", LastName = "Allain" });
        students.Add(new Student { FirstName = "Allen", LastName = "Brown" });
        students.Add(new Student { FirstName = "Linda", LastName = "Hamerski" });

Apologies for my lack of knowledge - the codei is in a couple of short cs files - can I attach these files to a reply, or just copy paste the code into the reply


Thanks, logged as bugs://82049

OK. Thanks.

bugs://82049 got closed with status fixed.