Painting issue debugging external code

Im trying to debug using step into from a line of Oxygene code which goes into dapper a 3rd party assembly. When I get into the Dapper code and continue with step into each line causes the window to redraw with something else before reshowing the c# file. The file isnt changing. (3.2 MB)


I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be seeing in this video — all looks normal, but the view is cropped, so all I can see is the code view (which looks fine) and a different file view that the view switches between…

Its the code view. Im stepping through code and I think its a bit disruptive that its not able to step into anything but still shows another intermediate view.

I’m sorry, but I still need you to get a bit more concrete…

Each step into results in the code editor changing to this

OK, let mew try to unpack this.

you are step-in gather code that was not part of you’re project, but has debt symbols. The source files I see in the video are not your code, but the external code from the library you are stepping thru. Each time you stop, the view changes to sow you the /Users/John/Documents/develop/Echoes/Core folder page for a split second, the judos back to the editor?

If that is what’s happening, then (a) how does /Users/John/Documents/develop/Echoes/Core relate to your project? is it a node you selected manually before the debug session started/broke?

And I ask again, van. get a non-cropped view of this, with the thread pane visible?

Thread pane and jump bar. ideally just the whole window.

Yes thats it

The application Im debugging is in


The first time I get the core window appearing is when I step into the breakpoint I set in my code.

I have my breakpoint on the QueryAsync line and I step into from there

  using connection := BuildConnection do
    var results := await connection.QueryAsync<Sailed>('select "Id" from "Sailed"');
    exit results.ToList;