Possible Elements bug when XML tag is left unclosed

I get what seems to be a bug in Elements when trying to build or clean with an XML tag left unclosed in the project file or the user file. Obviously the xml is in fact malformed, but Elements doesn’t point to the problematic file or line.

Exception: Unexpected token. TagClose is expected but TagElementEnd found at 12/3
    at RemObjects.Elements.RTL.XmlDocument.FromFile(String aFileName)
    at RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.EBuildElementsProject..ctor(String aFile)
    at RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.EBuildElementsProject.MetaClass.new__withFile(String aFile)
    at RemObjects.EBuild.ProjectRegistry.CreateProjectWithFile(String aFileName)
    at RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildSolution.LoadProjectWithURL____typeID(Url aProjectUrl, Guid aProjectTypeID)
    at RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildSolution.LoadFromString(String aString, Boolean aLoadProjects)
    at RemObjects.EBuild.CommandLine.Load(String aFileName)
    at RemObjects.EBuild.CommandLine.RunWithParameters____HostMode(SimpleCommandLineParser aParameters, Boolean aHostMode)

Seems pretty much as expected, to me, if the project XML is broken. It does show the location of the problem in the XML Exceptiomn: line 12, column 3.

Ah I didn’t realize that was what 12/3 was indicating. “Bug” may be a bit strong. It would be nice though if the compiler pointed to the problematic file, or at least indicate that the problem is with a project file. All I knew was that it was an XML parsing issue, and I have dozens of XML files in my project.

I’ll see if I can improve the error message.


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