PostBuild script executes too soon

I’m attempting to add a PostBuild event to my .Net Core console application project, in order to scp the application files to a target machine for testing. I added:

<PostBuildEvent>scp Bin/$(Configuration)/*.dll Bin/$(Configuration)/*.runtimeconfig.json root@antioch:.</PostBuildEvent>

to my .elements project file. But when I build, the Bin/Release/ directory hasn’t yet been created when the PostBuild event executes:

"C:/Program Files (x86)/RemObjects Software/Elements/Bin/EBuild" "test_userled_gpio.elements" --configuration:Release
RemObjects EBuild. An open source build engine for Elements and beyond.
Copyright RemObjects Software 2016-2020. All Rights Reserved. Created by marc hoffman.
Version (develop) built on talax, 20200619-143947. Commit 5394041.

lVarLength 13
lVarName Configuration
lVarLength 13
lVarName Configuration
   C:\Users\pmunts\src\ARM-Linux\examples\elements\dotnet\programs\pascal\test_userled_gpio>scp Bin/Release/*.dll Bin/Release/*.runtimeconfig.json root@antioch:. 
   Bin/Release/*.dll: No such file or directory
   Bin/Release/*.runtimeconfig.json: No such file or directory
   Project 'test_userled_gpio' failed to build.
   Solution 'test_userled_gpio' failed to build project 'test_userled_gpio'.
C:/Users/pmunts/src/libsimpleio/elements/include/ recipe for target 'elements_mk_build' failed
make: *** [elements_mk_build] Error 1

And what is the lVar* debug output?

Strange, that looks like a bug. I’ll have a look in the morning. [quote=“phil2, post:1, topic:23178”]
And what is the lVar* debug output?

Exactly that - leftover debug output that should no longer be there; will fix, as well.


Thanks, logged as bugs://84984

Both fixed for vNext; by mistake, both the PreBuild and PostBuild tags were proceeded as pre-build.

bugs://84984 got closed with status fixed.