
Im updating some old .net standard projects and I get this build error

D: /bin/sh “/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Moshine.MessagePipeline-92B28FFAF2563CD5A72FB7A65F98155DE1F1646B/”
/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Moshine.MessagePipeline-92B28FFAF2563CD5A72FB7A65F98155DE1F1646B/ line 4: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `’’
/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Moshine.MessagePipeline-92B28FFAF2563CD5A72FB7A65F98155DE1F1646B/ line 5: syntax error: unexpected end of file

This is the file (527 Bytes)

I don’t really know where its coming from


In the oxygene file I have this

    <PostBuildEvent>REM Create a NuGet package for this project and place the .nupkg file in the project's output directory.
REM If you see this in Visual Studio's Error List window, check the Output window's Build tab for the actual error.
ECHO Creating NuGet package in Post-Build event...
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "&amp; '$(ProjectDir)_CreateNewNuGetPackage\DoNotModify\CreateNuGetPackage.ps1' -ProjectFilePath '$(ProjectPath)' -OutputDirectory '$(TargetDir)' -BuildConfiguration '$(ConfigurationName)' -BuildPlatform 'Any CPU'"</PostBuildEvent>
    <PostBuildEvent />


Hm, this looks like you have a Windows script (ECHO, PowerShell), and try to run in on Mac (/bin/sh)?