Preview in Schema Modeler Fails

Im trying to get the SchemaModeler to function correctly against DB2 using FireDAC In the connection string I define MetaCurSchema and MetaDefSchema to the appropriate schema (i.e. "PRODUCTION’). This allows the Target Table to drop down the available Table objects. But when “auto generating” query or “Preview Data”, the modeler does not use the “PRODUCTION” schema, but instead prepends the default login schema. And therefore fails. Obviously a work around is to manually prepend “PRODUCTION” to every query, which I would rather avoid.

Please advise
Monte Carver


does it work correctly if you are using such SQL with pure FireDAC (w/o DA):

select * from production_table

or you have to use

select * from PRODUCTION.production_table


No it does NOT. That is jacked up. Any ideas?


if it doesn’t work in pure FireDAC, it won’t work in DA too …

you have to use PRODUCTION schema in SQL like

select * from PRODUCTION.production_table