Problem creating ASP.Net core Oxygene projects

When I try to load an ASP.Net Core MVC/Razor based Web Application, I get first (two times) the message:

The file jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js could not be found within the project templates. Continuing to run, but the resulting project may not build properly.

And then it takes about 10 minutes to create the project.
I build it and the build fails (I did not make any changes to the project).

build Output.txt (343.6 KB)

In the unmodified code:



It looks like I am missing a reference:

That’d during build, or when creating th project from template?

Oddly the file is there and gets added to the project for me:

Wondering oof maybe we’re hitting Windows path limits, as that path does look fairly deep:

[[whereever templates live]/Templates/Oxygene/Echoes/Projects/ASP.NET Core/MVC/wwwroot/lib/jquery-validation-unobtrusive/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js


project also compiles clean for me, on .NET Core 3.0.1 and .NET Core 3.1 preview. What version(s) of .NET Core do you have installed/set for the project?

Oh, see 2.1. don’t do that. We only officially tested/support ASP.NET Core on 3.0 and later. I’ll add an explicit check/error.

During project creation.

Well, I need VS2019 for that - that is why I started the other topic.

Not as far as Elements is concerned. Just install .NET Core 3.0 and the build toolchain will pick it up. toolage inside VS (designers, or whatever) might be a different matter ofc.

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