Problem using GUID parameters in C# client against a Delphi server


I have a web application in C# .NET running against a Delphi server. However, there is a problem when using GUID parameters in this scenario. For example, when I do:

return (from c
        in FDataAdapter.GetTable<FinanzaProAccount>()
        where (c.Account_GUID == Guid.Parse(aAccount_GUID))
        select c).FirstOrDefault();

I get the following exception in the web client:

Additional information: An exception occurred on the server: Error reading parameter aTableRequestInfoArray: Exception "EROException" with message "Exception "EROException" with message "Unsupported variant type "114" Not Supported" happens during reading field "Value"." happens during reading field "Parameters".

I had fixed this a while back in an older RO/DA version I was using as a server for this web app, and just had to include this fix in the version again, now that I’m updating the web app to run against a server using RO/DA 9.0.

Here is the fix in case it helps:

procedure TROStreamSerializer.ReadVariant(const aName: string; var Ref; ArrayElementId: integer);
  lGUID: string;
  { Array types }

  { GUID Type }
  if ((vtype and $0072) = $0072) then begin
    ReadGuid('', lGUID);
    Variant(Ref) := lGUID;
    Exit; // Done!

  { Plain Types }
  case vtype of


Thanks, logged as bugs://77509

bugs://77509 got closed with status fixed.

Logged as bugs://i65204.

bugs://i65204 was closed as fixed.