Problem with migration from 9.0 to 9.3

this tool is located in Program Files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Everwood\Bin\RemObjects.Everwood.LicenseManager.exe - for x64 box
Can you try to import your license with this tool, pls?

weird, _intf should be generated as

  CoNewService = class(System.TObject)
    class function Create(const aMessage: IROMessage; aTransportChannel: IROTransportChannel): INewService; overload;
    class function Create(const aUri: TROUri; aDefaultNamespaces: String = ''): INewService; overload;
    class function Create(const aUrl: String; aDefaultNamespaces: String = ''): INewService; overload;

so calling CoNewService.Create(aUri) is correct.
looks like, autogenerated files (_Intf and _Invk) weren’t regenerated by some reasons on your side.