Hi! In a question you asked, I read you are using JetBrains Rider with RemObjects Elements/C#.
Do you have any experience with this? You use RO Elements longer than me.
Syntax highlighting worked out-of-the-box. I‘m currently looking into adding
code completion support by adding code definition files. Like:
namespace RemObjects
namespace Elements.RTL
public class Object
public class String
//public class string {}
public class Void
public class AnsiChar
public class Int32
public class List<T>
public extern Void Add(string s);
public static class Console //: RemObjects.Elements.System.Object
public static extern RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Void Write(RemObjects.Elements.RTL.String s);
public static extern RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Void Write(RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Object s);
public static extern RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Void Write();
public static extern RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Void WriteLine(RemObjects.Elements.RTL.String s);
public static extern RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Void WriteLine(RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Object s);
public static extern RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Void WriteLine();
public static extern RemObjects.Elements.RTL.AnsiChar ReadChar();
public static extern RemObjects.Elements.RTL.String ReadLine();
//protected this .();
This works fine. Code completion for Console. is available.
Maybe you already got something going, so I don‘t have to re-invent the wheel?