Rebuild RO and DA libraries with train

Sent to support

specify path to unidac with one / instead of // like 'X:/Sistemas/....

Still fails.

Script with the requested changes sent to @support

Another problem comes from HYDRA.

[dcc32 Fatal Error] ufrChatBase.pas(17): F2051 Unit uHYAutoUpdateClient was compiled with a different version of uRORemoteService.TRORemoteService

Maybe the problem is duplicated files?

This my delphi library path.

uRORemoteService is on DA dn RO output folders, is that expected?

it can’t detect dac260.dcp on specified path.
extract parameters that passed to dcc32.exe from log and review them. required path should be passed under -U switch

no, it isn’t.
RO units shouldn’t be in DA dcu folder

The DA script is generating this, test yourself. How to fix?

Try to remove reference to RO sources.
Original version of script references to RO DCU folder and not to RO sources …


Now this

[dcc32 Fatal Error] HydraAutoUpdate_Intf.pas(11): F1026 File not found: ‘’

Is needed to move inc files to another folders? Can be included in the same script after builds end?

and agan, after move incfiles

[dcc32 Fatal Error] HydraAutoUpdate_Intf.pas(1818): F2051 Unit uHYAutoUpdateClient was compiled with a different version of uRORemoteService.TRORemoteService

Hydra script (c_HY.train) contains reference to RO .inc files:

ro_inc = (RO_versions.contains(""+_version)) ? expand('$(roDelphi)/Source;'): '';
..., {
   includeSearchPath: ro_inc+HY_Source,

try to use original scripts - they will be compiled w/o any issues

Im using DA and hydra script to build.

Builds ok,

no duplicates.

When go to build my project:

[dcc32 Fatal Error] HydraAutoUpdate_Intf.pas(11): F1026 File not found: ‘’

To solve copy all inc files to another folder and add to path library.


After that dont complain anymore about inc files but again

[dcc32 Fatal Error] HydraAutoUpdate_Intf.pas(1818): F2051 Unit uHYAutoUpdateClient was compiled with a different version of uRORemoteService.TRORemoteService

The only change to original scripts i do was change the calling path (as you know, you have scripts) to my another location.

I will pass the script again, you can compare to original and see are the same stuff.

Sent to the same dropbox link, and add the build logs. BTW i remove the unidac call, is the minor of my problems now.

as I can see, archive in dropbox wasn’t changed.
btw, you can send archive directly to support@

Sorry, updated now.

according to logs you haven’t any issues because everything is green

Evgeny, as i say, DA an HY builds ok. The problem is building MY projects.

why you can’t just specify $(roDelphi)/Source; folder in includeSearchPath?

see how it made in c_HY.train

Because i dont want delphi to rebuild every time RO/DA/HY pas files?

note: includeSearchPath isn’t equal to unitSearchPath.

Syntax: dcc32 [options] filename [options]
  -I<paths> = Include directories  
  -U<paths> = Unit directories     

Sorry , i have no idea how will this impact my project build in the delphi ide (?) If you are talking off DA/HY scripts, please update it or please tell me what change to do in which place.