I have 1 Mysql Table with 2 Table connected in the Data Abstract Schema Modeler.
( Reason i use 1 List for a DB-Grid and the other to show all Details )
If i delete a entry in MBP i use following code to refresh to MBP_LIST
procedure TDM_mbp.tbl_mbpAfterDelete(DataTable: TDADataTable);
The Problem is that the Table MBP_LIST is not refreshed and still shows the entry.
If i refresh MBP manually with the Dataset Navigator afterwards, MBP_LIST is updated.
I use only the tow Tables because if the DB-Grind and the View of the Date are on the same Table i get Problems ( Chanel-Busy- Error ) while scrolling in the Grid.
Hope i could explain the Problem…
My System is:
Relativity Server: v9.3.104.1297
Data Abstract: v9.3.104.1297
RemObjects SDK: v9.3.104.1297
you can use cloned tables feature instead of using 2 tables. cloned tables has own position so changing of location of main table has no any effect to position of cloned tables.
you can refresh table with table.RefreshFromServer or just perform Close/Open;
I’ve attached example of usage of this feature: CloneSource.zip (46.4 KB)
Note: It from DA7 so may require some changes for DA 9.2
in case of cloned tables, you shouldn’t use RefreshFromServer at all because cloned tables use master recordset. RefreshFromServer should be used for separated tables as you used before.