Relativity Server Connection String for ASA10

I’m lost … searched the internet … but have no idea how to build a working connection string based on ODBC.NET / Aux: SQL Anywhere 10. Either get “Database Server not found” or “Datasource not found” or driver error or else.

ODBC System-DSN 32/64 both for ASA10 Server work fine in Delphi as does Schema Modeler with FireDAC Driver connection string.

Database is for a legacy Delphi app which will be migrated to 3-tier with Postgres as Backend.

Any help appreciated, thanks for reading!


can you provide your connection string, pls?

replace user/pass/server/etc with the same words for keeping privacy, i.e. UserID=user, etc

I have an ODBC Datasource DATA_SVR for access to remote dbserver: DATA_SVR with db: DATA.

Schema Modeler


Tried / worked with it before Relativity

Relativity Server

SQLAnywhere.NET?ServerName=goqes_svr;DatabaseName=goqes;User ID=dba;Password=sql;

Database Provider not found maybe not installed ?
[ASA 10 installation does not tell anything about SQLAnywhere.NET]

ODBC.NET?AuxDriver={Sybase System 10};Server=DATA_SVR;Database=myDB;uid=myAdmin;pwd=myPW;

An exception was raised on the server: Cannot find database profile
Inner Exception: ArgumentNullException: Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein.
Parametername: key’.
ExceptionMessage=“An exception was raised on the server: Cannot find database profile
Inner Exception: ArgumentNullException: Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein.
Parametername: key”

Tried many variations of these, but nothing worked

Many Thanks.

Kind regards


Can you test workaround from SQLAnywhere .NET Connection String - Stack Overflow , pls ?

Note: You should be able to connect to ASA 10 from Schema Modeller using ODBC.NET or SQLAnywhere.NET. after this you can use Relativity with this DB.


I have ODBC Datasources defined for work in Delphi but that connection string does not work.

Tried all variations of connection strings in Schema Modeler, but no result.

FYI: There is no SQLAnywhere.NET data provider with ASA 10 just a programming interface for C#.


try to use provider from nuget site:

if open .nupkg as zip archive you can get required .dll

note: you may need to update DataAbstract.daConfig as

      <AssemblyName Value="iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.v4.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f222fc4333e0d400" /> ///<<<<<<<<added

in these folders:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Data Abstract (Common)\Bin
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Data Abstract (Common)\Bin\Relativity

Thanks, where do I put that DLL?


preferable to Global Assembly Cache - Wikipedia.
but you can try to put also into folders near to DataAbstract.daConfig

Managed to install the DLL with gacutil, here check result after installing 
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools> .\gacutil.exe -l iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.v4.0
Microsoft (R) .NET Global Assembly Cache Utility.  Version 4.0.30319.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Der globale Assemblycache enthält die folgenden Assemblys:
  iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.v4.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f222fc4333e0d400, processorArchitecture=MSIL

Anzahl der Elemente = 1

The entry in DataAbstract.daConfig looks like this
	  <AssemblyName Value="iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.v4.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f222fc4333e0d400" />
      <Description Value="Sybase SQL Anywhere Data Provider"/>
      <Profile Value="SybaseSQLAnywhere"/>
      <ParamMappings Database="DatabaseName"
                     Server="ServerName" />
      <ParameterHandling Type="ByName"
                         NameSymbol=":" />
        <Parameter Name="ConnectionTimeout"
                   Value="30" />

But when I try schema modeler still says  " The requested .NET Data provider cannot be found"


Why you need Relativity Server and why you can’t use usual DAD server with FireDAC connection to ASA10? it should be enough for migration to PostgreSQL

To be honest I never thought about that alternative. As everything worked fine via ODBC in Delphi I never thought about any problems.
Just have the need to build up KnowHow with Relativity Server (quite fast) for my current customer and the huge legacy project to prove RO DA is a practical solution with lots of additonal helpfull features . I know there are a lots of hurdles ahead but hope to take one after the other.

I’ll check DAD server and see where get with it.

Many thanks for your help and your input!

Kind regards


this article can be useful: New Project Wizard

I do not giveup easily on something not working but should work.

Searching around found a SQLAnywhere 12 trial (with offical .NET support) downloaded, installed in a VM and SQLAnywhere.NET connection worked, at least with local databases.
Checked what changes where made to Windows System/.NET and realized just registering a .NET data provider with gacutil.exe is not enough for common access it’s just for development. There is quite a bit more involved.

But to make a long story short, after a lot of fiddeling around in GAC etc etc found a SQLAnywhere 12 Client download on SAP today. Installed it, got few errrors but after checking and reading about correct parameters finally remote access to my ASA10 dbserver works in Schema Modeler.

One last problem is left: Opening schema modeler from inside Relativity Admin the connection fails again. Hopefully this is just some network access problem and can be solved asap and then go back to working with Relativity Server.

I have to admit with DA Server development I’m missing too much know how even basics (but knew that before and some some day will learn everything).

Everyone stay healthy, merry Xmas and a happy new year!



You should use the same DataAbstract.daConfig. if you put some dll to Schema Modeller folder, you should put them also to Relativity folder.

No dll’s added/moved/copied anywhere, no additional entries in any config, just plain SQLAnywhere 12 client installation in a clean Windows 10 vm.

FYI: Looks like I’m step further: In another VM (Intel) installed ASA12 client and was then able to call Schema Modeler from within Relativity Admin and the SQLAnywhere.NET connection works.

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One last final problem cannot be resolved:
Everything seemed ok, but working trough a schema 2 tables threw erros on validate (with AutoSQL too). ASA12 and up seem to have trouble to resolve / migrate fields from ASA10.
Maybe if I have some spare time will have a look which field(defintion)s are the cause.


try to use usual SQL like

   fld1, fld2 ...

it will allow to use Dynamic Where feature

I did use only such simple SQLs even without , tried it with AutoSQL too. Changed the connection to FireDAC and everything was ok, back to SQLAnywhere.NET and I got errors. As I said before will look into this when there is some spare time

Have a working DA Server now to work with and try to get my head around DA for Javascript etc