After updating the mono version in centos 7.x - relativity stopped working …
the mono version is
Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Thu Jan 3 08:42:34 UTC 2019)
Relativity Server v9.5.111.1399
After updating the mono version in centos 7.x - relativity stopped working …
the mono version is
Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Thu Jan 3 08:42:34 UTC 2019)
Relativity Server v9.5.111.1399
Latest Mono only supports the console version, since the Mono guys broke the Monobjc frameworks we used to create the GUI layer. Long term, we’re looking at maybe creating a new version, but right now, I’m afraid for Mac is deprecated. You can grab “Relativity server for Mono” from, and run it with “mono Relativity.exe --console”, in Terminal.
My apologies for this inconvenience :(.
For now, I’ll stay in the version
mono-, the last compatible …
What is the difference between “RemObjects Relativity Server for Mono -” and the one that is in the Data Abstract 1399 installation?
Could you provide any detains on what exactly “stopped working”?
These are exactly the same binaries, except:
driver version. The one deployed within
file uses binding to SQLite shared library that is provided by OS, while the one deployed via DataAbstract installer contains embedded SQLite.dllMono.Security.dll
is not deployed for Mono. This assembly is used by the PostgreSQL ADO.NET driver and is not present on Windowsmarc replied …