RO.Net vs RO Delphi performance

I have tested the RO server requests pr. second response with a RO.Net and a Delphi 10.1 RO server. Both were using your Http.sys servers and in the Service Tester I was using the WinINetHttp client channel. I used Oxygene on the .Net side.

In the Service Tester I was running 50 threads and 200 requests each.

In all tests the RO.Net server kills the Delphi server. I am seeing almost a doubling of the requests pr. second using RO.Net.

This surprised me as I would have thought a natively compiled Delphi server would perform much better.

Is performance difference a result of different coding practices between the different platforms or that .Net just performs better?

// Thom

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While this is definitely something worth having a look at (performance should be comparable, all else being equal), maybe it’s a data point to dispell the “native = better” myth that Embarcadero have been hitching their waggon on for the past 15 years :wink:

But here’s the thing:

Tested with a TMS Sparkle HTTP server (from TMS software) compiled in Delphi 10.1. This server is a wrapper around the http.sys stack like to ROWinHttpserver.

For this server I used JMeter for testing.

On my local Win10 VM I get an average of 10,000 requests pr. second compared to between 1300 - 1400 with RO.Net.

If I put this server on Azure I get an average of 860 requests pr. second compared to between 34 - 40 with RO.Net.

Both servers are just returning back a “Hello World” string.

// Thom

OK, now I am seeing much better performance from RO/Delphi.

Used Synapse HTTP/JsonMessage server with ScaleMM2 MM.

Used JMeter as client for both Delphi and RO.Net.

Local Win10 VM:
50 threads, 150,000 samples: 11,501 requests pr. second.

50 threads, 150,000 samples: 820 requests pr. second.

As for RO.Net: best performance from the HttpSysServerChannel:

Local Win10 VM:
IpHttpServerChannel - 50 threads, 150,000 samples: 2307 requests pr. second.
HttpSysServerChannel - 50 threads, 150,000 samples: 5528 requests pr. second.

HttpSysServerChannel - 50 threads, 150,000 samples: 800 requests pr. second.

// Thom

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Synapse HTTP is my favorite on Delphi/Lazaus any platform

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Just curious what did you change to get increase from




Just changed from BinMessage to JsonMessage and to JMeter as test client.
No changes to our Azure “box”.

// Thom

For Delphi ScaleMM2 makes all the difference.

That being said, all the above tests was just sending back a “Hello World” string which is not real world.

99.5% of our server is database CRUD stuff.

So if I add just a simple SELECT call that fetches a string value, I am getting closer to a real world scenario.

Synapse for Delphi HttpSysServer for RO.Net.

Both using connection pooling.

Delphi 10.1 w/Scale2MM
50 threads, 50,000 samples: 1,698 requests pr. second.

Delphi 10.1 w/FastMM4 (default MM out of the box)
50 threads, 50,000 samples: 534 requests pr. second.

50 threads, 50,000 samples: 3,176 requests pr. second.

Again, for Delphi the MM selection makes all the difference.

But, RO.Net still outperforms by a mile.

// Thom

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I’m totally interested on what RO can find about this, the difference is very noticeable to the point that could be a code bottleneck on RO.

There were several interesting performance benchmarks done a while ago where RO was included.

On that time the conclusion was Synapse and ScaleMM2, but thats for Delphi as the language, once that is gone, it goes the next level, the framework itself. Mormot is a beast, they are definitely doing something good there.

Have to mention several things that might affect the mesured performance:

  1. JSON message is not the most performant one in RO SDK. After all, reading it involves parsing strings which is not the fastest operation by definition. Binary message provides way better performance and way less traffic consumption compared to JSON

  2. Bin message has optional data compression feature enabled by default. While this option speeds up data turnaround on real network environment it will actually decrease request/second rate on localhost tests.This happens because it is way faster to send a data packed thru the loopback interface than to compress reequest on client / send it / decompress request on server / compress response on server / decompress response on client


I agree with estebanp.

One needs to look at the Delphi RO SDK framework here because a simple comparison between TROWinHttpServer, TMS Sparkle Http.sys server and mORMot, which also uses the Http.sys kernel, is telling:

JMeter used as testing client, JSON message calling a simple “HelloWorld” method:

mORMot: 50 threads, 150,000 samples: 10,502 requests pr. second

TMS Sparkle Server: 50 threads, 150,000 samples: 10,025 requests pr. second

TROWinHttpServer: 50 threads, 150,000 samples: 507 requests pr. second

The best performance with RO is from the TROIpHTTPServer (Synapse): 50 threads, 150,000 samples: 2283 requests pr. second.

Using a single machine for testing is not ideal, but it does give an indication of performance.

// Thom

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Would you be able to share your test code? I find that the Delphi Indy channels benefit tremendously from turning nagle off and keepalive on.


Hi Will,

Used DisableNagle := True and KeepAlive := True on both Indy and Synapse.

Test code was just out-of-the-box RO generated server templates with a HelloWorld method added.

Hi Thom,
I have done an experiment with the servers/channels now and I think there is a problem with the indyHTTPClient. The server seems OK. Using the indyHTTPServer with the SynapseHTTPClient on a single threaded test gets me a throughput of 29,904 requests per second. The Indy client channel manages just 3535 requests per second. To be clear both of those tests were performed on the exact same server.

Could you let me know if you can repeat this on your test please?



Could you describe you test environment?

// Thom

Is Json message faster than binary?

The memory manager will make a difference with lots of threads and lots of objects being created and destroyed. Benchmark IntelTBB (you can find the code on similar sites to the ShareMemory code you have) and ensure you download the latest DLL from the official intel site.


Is http.sys even EVER supported by RO/Delphi? What do you mean by “both (RO/Delphi and RO.NET) using http.sys”?


I mean that TROWinHttpServer uses the same API as http.sys

see more at

Thank you

Does that mean for HTTP servers (on Windows), ROWinHttpServer shall give the best performance?