RODL2Code.exe vs CodeGen2.exe

Hi everybody
I am currently updating our build process script and stumbled across two files RODL2Code.exe and CodeGen2.exe which seemingly have the same purpose at first glance. Can anyone tell me the difference between the two and when to use which one and why?

Best regards

you need to use RODL2Code.exe as main tool and CodeGen2.exe for languages that isn’t supported by RODL2Code.exe like javascript.

reminds me, we should look at getting JS and whatever else may be left into the new cg4 as well…

Thank you very much - so, if I understand it correctly, I need both tools at the present time?

if RODL2Code.exe supports all languages that you are using - only it should be used.

I believe only JavaScript and (legacy/unsupported, anyways) PHP client codegen still need CODEGEN2 as of right now, correct Eugene?

according to CodeGen2.exe syntax:

  codegen2 /lang:<language> /type:<type> /rodl:<rodl file> [/template:<template file>]
           [/out:<output file or directory>] [/const:name=value] [/libname:value]
           [/namespace:value] [/wait]

  Supported Languages:
    /lang:bcb        (C++ Builder)
    /lang:cpp        (Native C++)
    /lang:objc       (Objective-C)
    /lang:java       (Java Language)
    /lang:cooper     (Oxygene for Java)
    /lang:nougat     (Oxygene for Cocoa)
    /lang:javascript (JavaScript)

only JS isn’t supported by RODL2Code.exe yet


Thank you very much for the quick response :slight_smile: