Rolled up code doesn't match actual code

I have just noticed a weird bug here is a small snippet of code (Notice the Access modifiers)

    public static String PortConnectionString()
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fPortConnectionString))
            fPortConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PortfolioConnectionString"];
        return fPortConnectionString;

    public static int SqlTimeOut()
        if (fSqlTimeOut==0)
            fSqlTimeOut = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CGTSQLTimeOut"]);
        return fSqlTimeOut;

If I roll it Up by pressing the - button in the margin It shows

  •    private String PortConnectionString()
  •    private Int32 SqlTimeOut()

Version inside visual studio 2013

Thanks, logged as bugs://73742

bugs://73742 got closed with status fixed.