Schema Modeler - Display Label


Using Delphi 10.3 & DA Version

The Display Label isn’t saved in the dfm.
Manually putting this in the dfm solves it for now, but that’s a bit time consuming :wink:



Logged as bugs://D19409.


as a temporary workaround, you can update uDAStreamableComponent.pas as

  TDAStreamableComponent = class(TROComponent)
    procedure SaveToFile(const aFileName: string; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat = pfJson);  // <<<< changed

after this launch C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Build\install_DA.cmd with admin rights for recreating .bpl

When I try to open the Schema Modeler from the Delphi IDE an error occurs.

The connection to the database has disappeared. I tried adding the connection, but it is not persisted.



use another temporary workaround:

  • revert back previous changes, it was

procedure SaveToFile(const aFileName: string; aFormat: TDAPersistFormat = pfXML);

  • update IDE\uDADataAbstractServerEditors.pas as
procedure TDASchemaEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer);
  schema.SaveToFile(sfname, pfJson); //<<< replace in both places
  • launch C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Build\install_DA.cmd with admin rights for recreating .bpl

bugs://D19409 was closed as fixed.