Serial number not valid

I’ve just downloaded the Oxygene for .NET 5.1 installer, and the installer already had my Rad Studio XE2 serial number, but it then says that the serial number is not valid. Do I need a new serial number from somewhere?


Yes. I found it somewhere, perhaps the readme or something, but you need to get it from Embarcadero’s Maintenance Portal:

My new serial number was there after I logged in.

Thanks; I’ve logged in there but unfortunately the only key available to me was for Delphi. I upgraded to Rad Studio last month, but I guess they haven’t updated my maintenance yet - which is a bit odd as I received an email from them this very morning confirming my upgraded maintenance agreement. I guess I’ll have to contact them.


:frowning: i was promised by our friends at Embarcadero that ALL customers would get emails with their new serials by the 15th :frowning: — which is why we didn’t release the build earlier, to begin with. I’d kindly ask you to email codegear.maintenance@EMBARCADERO.COM (feel free to CC and complain.

note that you WILL need active SA to get this new release. All copies of standalone Prism are sold with 1 year of SA; that includes all copies of Prism XE2 sold directly thru us. RAD Studio can be bought w/o SA, if you did you are SOL, i’m afraid.

Thanks, Marc. I’d already raised a support call, and just now got a response to say my account has been updated (I did upgrade my SA when I upgraded to Rad Studio).

All sorted and installed now :slight_smile:


glad to hear — and my apologies for this not going smoother. this is noted for next time and i’ll be even more on Embarcadero’s case to make sure everyone gets mailed the infos BEFORE the builds go out. ;(