Settings.Designer.Pas is obfuscated

The file Settings.Designer.Pas is obfuscated - this means that the settings won’t work anymore when an assembly is obfuscated.

Classes with the attribute [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute] should never be obfuscated.

Consider it fixed.

Thanks, logged as bugs://80604

bugs://80604 got closed with status fixed.

Same for:

Confirmed: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute

Not fixed yet:

They should als Never been obfuscated.
For System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding, the classname itself should also not be obfuscated.

yeah compiler generated is fixed; I have a problem with hardcoding a list of attributes that cause it to NOT be obfuscated so I need to think of a good solution for those before I fix them (also the issue was closed before you replied with these attributes so it couldn’t have included those)

Is this one still on the radar?

bugs://80604 got reopened.

bugs://80604 got closed with status fixed.

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System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode works now - is not obfuscated

But System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding is stil obfuscated.

My apologies, fixed that one now.

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Fix confirmed in 2325.
Just discovered that the opt-out [Obfuscate(false)] on a class is also working when the Obfuscation has been set on the assembly level.
Nice work!

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There is one thing left to do: add the obfuscation to “The awesome”