Settings using Black Theme

Using Dark mode I cant make out the settings titles. The highlighted one is ok


FTR, you’re not supposed to use themes yet, thats why the option (should be?) disabled.

that said, thanx for the feedback, I’ll be morning win getting most of these issues sorted out over the next few weeks.

Sorry I read your reply in another thread and assumed it was ok to use it

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Well, as per that thread, its ok to us riot if you’re aware and expecting it to be not pretty yet. I’d be happy to get feedback, but I don’t want a slew of public “ugh, this is broken” reports because, yes, it is supposed to be still broken ;).

Settings view (and table views in general) fixed for vNext:

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As a tangentially related new feature, you can now also override any registry-based setting via he command like, such as “--setting:Theme=Black” (mainly added that coz it makes it easier for me to debug w/o having my main instance go Black if I have to restart it :wink:

Can I have a new build ? :slight_smile:

Sure. It’ll take an hour or so.


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I love dark mode its so much better


So do I, and I’ve just noticed that Server explorer (10.0.1463) when looking at a briefcase file only shows the highlighted row as shown (there are more rows below but it’s just white).

Ugh, I really don’t wanna touch Server Explorer… :wink:

Thanks, logged as bugs://83781

It’s not a big thing, I don’t use it that often to be honest, others might of course.

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I’ll see if it still builds with Xcode 11 :wink: