Silent install and registration

until now we have always registered Hydra manually, by launching the RemObjects.Everwood.LicenseManager.exe and browsing and selecting the license file.

We are now working on a solution for our developers to provide them with a working system with the minimum amount of manual steps requiered.

Is there a way to automate the Hydra registration?
Does the RemObjects.Everwood.LicenseManager.exe support command line switches?

Thank you!

I believe you can use Everwood.exe for this. Not sure if we ship this; if not we should…

RemObjects Everwood Command Line Tool.


  --login --username:<x> --password:<y>


  --download-licenses --username:<x> --password:<y>

I could not find Everwood.exe as part of the installation.
It would be great if you can include this. It seems to be precisely what we are needing.

It seems to be able to download the licenses. Will it also register them?

We have fixed this, the next build will ship it

There’s no “registering” licenses. If they are downloaded into the right folder, they will work. Hou can also download them yourself (say from your install script).


say from your own dep;oyment script.

Do remember that Hydra is licensed per named developer though, so each developer should log in withn theior own acocunt and use their own license.

Thank you @mh!
Precisely what we were needing.

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