Silver: Cannot override final method + Cannot subclass sealed/static class

IDE: Fire
Target (If relevant): Android
After upgrading to 2033 build two new error popped which before were non-existent.

The subclass of generic Enumerator type will complain with Cannot subclass sealed/static class while Enumerator<T> is nor sealed non static. Also nextObject() override will complain that I am overriding the final method, while nextObject() is not final.

public class FlatGridBreadthFirstEnumerator<T: PlainGridBreadthFirstEnumeratable>: Enumerator<T> {

      public override func nextObject() -> T? {
            let entityToReturn: T? = (_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex < _nonLazyTileSequence.count) ? _nonLazyTileSequence[_nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex] : nil
	    _nonLazySequenceIteretorIndex += 1
	    return entityToReturn

Reference: Enumerator

	import java.util
#elseif ECHOES
	import System.Collections.Generic
#elseif NOUGAT
	import Foundation

__mapped public class Enumerator<T> => Foundation.NSEnumerator {
	public func nextObject() -> T? { return __mapped.nextObject() }
	public var allObjects: Array<T> { return __mapped.allObjects.mutableCopy }

public class Enumerator<T> {
	public func nextObject() -> T? {

extension Enumerator {
	public var allObjects: Array<T> {
		var allObjectCollection = [T]()
		let element: T?
		while ( (element = self.nextObject()) != nil ){
		return allObjectCollection

extension Enumerator: Iterable<T> {
	internal class Iterator<T>: java.util.Iterator<T> {
		private let _enumerator: Enumerator<T>
		init(enumerator: Enumerator<T>){
			_enumerator = enumerator
		public func next() -> T {
			return _enumerator.nextObject()!
		public func hasNext() -> Bool {
			return ((_enumerator.nextObject() != nil) ? true : false)
		public func remove() {
	public func iterator() -> java.util.Iterator<T>! {
		return Iterator(enumerator: self)
	//for glueing it to java.util.Iterator
	public func remove() {


is Enumerator in another library by any chance? Latest Silver has “open” and “public”, you want to use open for things that need overriding in another library:

You guys already update to it? Cool, yes, it is in another library.
Got it. Thanks!

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Yep. We try to keep backward compatibility in, but this particular one was breaking.

fileprivate was really breaking for me couple of weeks ago :slight_smile:

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